An American Not In Paris

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My Current Skincare Routine

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In my endless attempts to live like a Parisian, I’ve been finely tuning my skincare routine over the past few years. I’m only in my 20s but the general advice I’ve heard is “start before you notice problems” so that’s what I’m doing.

Taking care of my skin wasn’t something I really bothered with in my younger years. Even as a child I was bothered by the redness of my cheeks, but chalked it up to “that’s just the way my skin is”. I experimented with way too much foundation (that probably didn’t match my skin tone) from my tween years on. Then came the teenage years. I had bad acne and used a three-step very popular as seen on tv program. It worked, but I found it way too tedious to maintain especially as a grumpy teen who tried to squeeze as much sleep in as possible before school while still getting up to take way too long to get ready. I still wouldn’t be seen out of the house without a pound of foundation to cover my redness, let alone without my hair straightened. I found as I entered college a daily cleanser in the shower kept off the acne and still found myself schlepping out of bed earlier than I wanted to be to hide my redness behind makeup.

Post-college is where it changed. I spent the first few years after college trying to work from home as a freelance writer/graphic designer/Etsy shop owner/whatever fancied my mood at the time. Staying home all day every day took an emotional toll on me that I may or may not discuss at another time, but it also allowed me to relax the heavy beauty standards I placed on myself. Maybe too much at times. My skin also started to get dry and peely, especially in the winter.

Once I acquired a real job in the real world, I found it difficult to go back to an hour plus long beauty routine in the mornings. I didn’t feel like I had to impress anyone and felt more free to do as I pleased when it came to my face and hair. I think it also came with age/maturity and accepting more and more who I was.

All fine and dandy, but being a Millenial who spends too much time on the internet, I noticed how much of a trend skincare had become and reading up on all the benefits, decided this was more of a self-care act than a feeling of obligation that I really wanted in on. So I’ve been trying various things throughout the years and here is what I’ve really loved/has stuck with me.



Bioderma Sensibo H2O Micellar Water. This French find is heavenly. It removes dirt, makeup and grime without drying. I bought a ton of it in Paris at the recommendation of several people, but now it’s popularity has grown so much that it is widely available here in the states.

Cleanser Part 2

After I get all the dirt and makeup off, I like to make sure my skin is cleansed with a moisturizing cleanser. Caudalie Gentle Cleansing Milk is so silky, it feels like a lightweight moisturizer.


Dermina Paris Rosalina Lotion. We bought this toner in Paris for Aaron actually because he had been struggling with some major unexplained redness for the past few years. Not only did it do wonders for him (when he actually uses it) but it also really helped tame the redness I long loathed in my cheeks. Neither of us has Rosecea, so we’re not sure where this comes from. We are running low on our miracle lotion and it isn’t available anywhere in the US. Not even to ship online!

So I’ve been alternating between this and Thayers Witch Hazel since both Aaron and I use the french stuff and our supply is dwindling, with no restocking trip to Paris in sight. If anyone is heading over to Paris anytime soon and wants to pick us up a few bottles, we’d love you forever!

I find the witch hazel works just as well, but since it is a liquid instead of a creamer formula it can be drying. Also, if I put it on within enough time proximity to the cleanser, I find my skin gets more red and burns for a little while.

Day Moisturizer

I love the Trader Joe’s Ultra Hydrating Gel Moisturizer for daytime wear because it absorbs quickly and is so lightweight.



Same Bioderma Cleanser as above. It takes any makeup off (if I’m wearing some) so easily.

Tip: Pop a disposable spoolie into the bottle and roll through lashes to easily remove mascara without pulling your lashes out.


Same deal as above.


CeraVe Moisturizing Cream. I love love love this moisturizer. It feels thicker, which is why I only use it overnight, but it stays on through the night so when I wake up my face feels soft.


Rose Mask

About once a week I use this pink clay and rose petal mask from Pearlessence and it really works well to help calm my redness. I purchased it on a whim at TJ Maxx and can not find it anywhere online!


My dedication is less refined when it comes to caring for my body skincare as I am with my face. I have a bit of dry skin, especially November-April when my skin gets so dry I resemble the fourth, unseen dragon of Daenerys Targaryen (I’m at least scaly enough to qualify).

In the shower I wash off with Aveeno Moisturizing Body Wash because it doesn’t dry my skin out.

Post shower I use the Body Shop’s Satsuma Body Butter all over.

For my hands I use Capri Blue’s Volcano Hand Creme. At least twice a day I’m rubbing this lotion on my hands in the winter to keep my skin from splitting open. I have soft hands and I get to smell like an Anthropologie. I even have the soap/lotion set in my bathroom.

That’s pretty much the skincare routine I’m working with now. It’s simple enough to let me sleep in and not at all overwhelming in terms of steps or price. I need to improve on how I care for my body because my knees and elbows are only getting drier. Chicago winters are brutal you guys.

Leave a comment below and tell me what works for your skin, especially if you struggle with redness like me!

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